The lesser of the actual monthly wage received by an employee prior to his accident or illness, or the state maximum average monthly wage established each year for the state Employment Security Division. If you have been out of work for five days or more you will receive an AMW letter to illustrate your benefits while out of work. Your benefits will be calculated as 66% of your average monthly wage. If your average monthly wage is incorrect you should consult a workers compensation attorney to file an appeal.
A form used by an employer to document an employee's accident. The C-4 will need to be submitted to the employer’s workers compensation insurance.
An FCE is a physical therapist evaluation that provides the primary physician an update on the employee’s ability to return to work and any physical work restrictions.
The IME is a physician chosen by the insurer to provide a diagnosis, recommended treatment, and work restrictions. If you are unhappy with the doctor provided you may request another doctor on the provider list.
A monetary settlement when the injured employee is classified as permanently disabled as a result from an injury. If classified as permanently disabled the injured employee will received 66.66% of the average monthly wage or 66.66% of the state maximum average monthly wage.
A the monetary settlement that is awarded to the injured employee for a permanent impairment. The rules used in the calculation of the settlement are partially defined in the American Medical Association Guide to Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.
Vocational Benefits - If the injury prevents you from continuing in your occupation then the coverage provided by your employers workers compensation coverage will reimburse you for education and vocational training required for a new career.
The benefits that are paid to ensure that the injured worker never receives less than his compensation rate while working a light duty position.
66.66% of average monthly wage benefits that are paid when an injured worker is taken off work completely by his treating physician. These benefits are also paid when the injured worker has temporary work restrictions, but the employer cannot or will not provide work within the temporary work restrictions.
A person or company hired by an insurer to manage its workers’ compensation claims.