Construction & Labor Law Accidents
Our firm is committed in helping construction workers, men, women and undocumented workers who get injured while on the job, as a result of accidents that occur durning construction, demolition, repairs and or painting. The accidents may even result in death. These accidents that occur on the job site are also sometimes referred to as Labor Law Accidents.
Our Firm represents injured workers in the following areas:
Scaffolding Accidents
Ladder Accidents
Crane and Heavy Meachinary Acciedents
Elevatoror Lift Accidents
Burn and Explosion Accidents
Defective Equipment Accidents
Unsafe Work Place Accidents
Other Work Place Accidents
We at Latos Latos & Associates care about the injured worker or the family of the worker that has passed away as a result of injuries sustained by such accidents. We have the knowledge and skill necessary to make sure the injured party receives all the benefits necessary under the law.
It is important that a coordinate effort be in place during the process to make sure that the workers compensation process and the third party action against the laible party proceed accordingly.